Kim Kardashian created one of the most iconic moments of Met Gala history on Sunday when she stepped out in not just Marilyn Monroe’s most famous dress, but as a platinum blonde.
So as clients are predicted to be asking for the platinum blonde look for summer, how easy is it to create? Pulp Riot Artist Christabel Legrand says the most important part of taking a client from dark to blonde is the consultation and strand test to manage expectations for both you and the client.
“The strand test will show you the hair history, previous colour, strength and how light you will be able to lift the hair in one session. Realistically I would say it may take 2-3 sessions to lift a client to a blonde, with a few weeks break minimum in between each lightening service.
Once you have established what is achievable while also maintaining the integrity of the hair, I would recommend using Pulp Riot BlondeAF to start your lightening process. It’s up to 9 levels of lift, contains quinoa which has mild protein benefits and also doesn’t swell when mixed with the Pulp Riot developer, meaning it won’t overlap or swell out of foils.
“Lightening can be one of the most damaging services if it is not done correctly, so always take into consideration the condition of your client’s hair, do a strand test, check the elasticity, recommend the correct aftercare advice, and add a bond builder into your service if you can. You also need to talk to your client about the upkeep of going platinum; for a clean lift they will need to return every six weeks for a regrowth application. The client’s hair integrity is always the main concern.
Platinum hair is so iconic, it compliments most skin tones and when done correctly it is timeless, bold and super glamorous, and I think will always look bang on trend.
Steps to get the perfect platinum blonde
- Section the hair into quadrants, start at the back. (working in quadrants means you have more control over the lightening process)
- Take small sections, apply to the midlengths and ends first avoiding the root, isolate your section using foils or mesh. This technique is called the platinum card, every strand of hair will be isolated in foil and will enable maximum lift. Once the midlengths and ends have lifted to a level 8, go back through and apply to the root. Wash off each quadrant once it has lifted to your desired level; for a clean platinum you need it to lift to a level 9, 10 ( the colour of the inside of a banana)
- Once you have lifted it, you will need to tone. For the perfect platinum I would recommend Pulp Riot Speed Toner Icy High mixed 1:4 with 6 or 10 vol processed for 15- 20 minutes.
- For a beautiful iridescent tone reach for Moonstone, it has a violet undertone so helps neutralise unwanted pale yellow tones.
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*no animal derived ingredients are used in any Pulp Riot product.